Museum News

Originally Published in 1923

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At a meeting of the Board of Managers held on March 16th Mr. Thomas S. Gates was elected a member of the Board of Managers.


The Trustees, at their meeting held on December 27th, authorized the acceptance of the bid of Franklin M. Harris & Co. for the erection of the addition to the Museum building. Work was begun on January 17th and it is hoped that the building will be finished before the coming winter. The first, floor of this new section will be known as the Eckley Brinton. Coxe Junior Egyptian Hall.


Mr. L. L. Williams has been appointed superintendent of building and grounds.


A North American Indian woman’s beaded dress from Miss Caroline S. Sinkler.
A Chilkat woven blanket from Mrs. Francis L. Potts.


A sculptured and inscribed Chinese stela of the Wei Period.
Five Persian textiles of the 16th Century.
Two Chinese paintings of the early Ming Period.
A pair of Persian painted doors from Ispahan, 16th Century.
Three Chinese pottery figures of the T’ang Period.
Fourteen Cretan seal stones and ten Cretan coins.


The Museum was open for one evening during February at the request of the Fellowship of the Academy of the Fine Arts who took this opportunity of inspecting the collections. The Director gave a talk in the Auditorium on the ways in which the Museum can be of use to artists and designers.

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"Museum News." The Museum Journal XIV, no. 1 (March, 1923): 87-91. Accessed February 17, 2025.

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