Intact. Three zones of decoration. "In the center of the upper zone a gorgoneion. On either side of the gorgoneion, sphinxes, and under the handle, a lion. Approximately centered beneath the gorgoneion in the second zone are a pair of horsemen with a prize tripod between them...Behind either horseman is a panther. Between them under the handle a padded dancer...In the lowest zone, approximately under the tripod, a spead eagle, flanked by lions, and under the handle, a grazing stag." (Dohan) On bottom: old label inscribed GC42.
The Perseus Project.
White, Donald J., Keith R. DeVries, David G. Romano, Irene B. Romano, and Yelena Stolyarik. The Ancient Greek World:The Rodney S. Young Gallery. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1995. See: p. 3
Schaus, Gerald P., and Jack L. Benson. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: The University Museum. University Museum 2; USA 29. Philadelphia: The University Museum, 1995. See: pp. 44-45, pl. 21, 1-4