A Collection of Algonkin Ethnology

Originally Published in 1930

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An Algonkin Birchbark Cradle with floral designs and a scalloped edge
Plate IV — An Algonkin Birchbark Cradle
Museum Object Number: 29-10-90
Museum Image Number: 12997

A collection of ninety-nine specimens illustrative of the ethnology of the Algonkin Indians has been recently purchased. These were gathered by Mr. Frederick Johnson on the Indian reservation near Maniwaki, Quebec, Canada, during the past summer and are representative of the culture of this nation, with the exception of those objects which are made in the winter only. At Maniwaki is found the largest surviving group of this formerly large tribe, the aboriginal culture of which is rapidly being overwhelmed by modern civilization.

The collection includes boxes and other containers of birch hark, many of them decorated with incised designs; baskets of ash splints, many ornamented with simple stamped designs in colour; hags and moccasins of deer and moose hide; implements, tools and weapons of wood, stone, rawhide and other materials; religious and ceremonial objects; games and many other specimens. A birch hark cradle is illustrated in Plate IV.

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"A Collection of Algonkin Ethnology." Museum Bulletin I, no. 2 (February, 1930): 14-14. Accessed October 06, 2024. https://www.penn.museum/sites/bulletin/149/

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