Egyptian Section

Vol. XIII / No. 3

By: H. Ranke

An Egyptian Tombstone From a Period of Transition

The limestone slab1 published here for the first time2 is a characteristic and unusually well-preserved document of the latter part3 […]

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Vol. XIII / No. 1


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Vol. IX / No. 4

By: Hermann Ranke

A Late Saitic Statue from the Temple of Neith at Sais

IN December 1941 the University Museum acquired1 a headless kneeling statue of black basalt2 of the period of the so-called […]

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Vol. IX / No. 1

By: H. R.

An Egyptian Tombstone of the New Kingdom

THE tombstone shown in Plates VIII, 1 which recently was acquired for the University Museum, is unusually informative. While most […]

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Vol. VIII / No. 4

By: H. R.

A Statue of the Goddess Hathor

THE Museum has recently acquired the torso1 of an Egyptian life-size female statue of greyish-black granite2. The woman is shown […]

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Vol. VIII / No. 2-3

By: H. R.

An Unfinished Statue of the Twelfth Dynasty

Title Reference1 THE limestone statue which is published here for the first time comes from Flinders Petrie’s excavations at “Kahun” […]

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Vol. VIII / No. 1

By: H. R.

A Contemporary of Queen Hatshepsut

THE Eckley B. Coxe Expedition of 1909 to Buhen in Nubia found a beautiful dark diorite1 statuette of a man […]

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Vol. VII / No. 3

By: P. M.

Conversations and Calls Recorded on the Walls of the Tomb of Kaipurē

THE offering chamber of this tomb, which is located at the southern end of the lower Egyptian hall, was described […]

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Vol. VII / No. 1

By: P. M.

A Granite Relief of Ptolemy II

THE portion of granite bas-relief on exhibition on the east wall of the Lower Hall of the Egyptian wing shows […]

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Vol. VI / No. 5

By: P. M.

Stela of Sisopduyenhab and His Relatives

THERE is now on exhibition in the Upper Hall of the Coxe Egyptian wing an interesting stela of limestone which […]

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