South America

Vol. 64 / No. 1

By: Daniel Bauer

Healing Gardens of the Tahuayo: Examining Home Garden Variation in Amazonian Peru

Doña Norma makes her way through the undergrowth along an overgrown path while every so often making a quick swipe […]

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Vol. 64 / No. 1

By: Ann Hudson Peters

Protected Offerings:: Penn Museum Collections Shed Light on Paracas Archaeology

I have seen hundreds of descriptions of simple cotton cloths tied around a basket or bowl; offerings placed at the […]

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Vol. 64 / No. 1

By: Ashley Fuchs, Cindy Srnka, Jackson Clark, Sarah Linn and Douglas Smit

Heritage in Our Hands:: UNESCO 50 Years Later

Each year, the Student Exhibition Program selects three Penn undergraduates to curate a new exhibition based around a theme. This […]

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Vol. 63 / No. 1

By: Marshall Joseph Becker

Understanding the Ancient Maya: Contributions of the Penn Museum’s Excavations at Tikal

Understanding the Ancient Maya Contributions of the Penn Museum’s Excavations at Tikal [authors color=”white”] Over the years, Expedition has provided […]

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Vol. 63 / No. 1

By: Lucy Fowler Williams and Fernando Madrid

Tikal—Oasis in Time and War

Tikal—Oasis in Time and War [authors] Fernando Madrid was born 20 miles from Tikal in El Remat Village at the […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Eric H. Hobson

Brazil From Above: General Rondon and the Matto Grosso Expedition

In 1931, the Penn Museum’s Matto Grosso Expedition landed a serendipitous opportunity to court the celebrated Brazilian Army general who […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Alessandro Pezzati

The Matto Grosso Expedition: Brazil, 1931

Few expeditions of the Penn Museum have been as colorful as the Matto Grosso Expedition of 1931. Organized by Captain […]

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Photo of weaver

Vol. 59 / No. 2

By: Daniel Bauer

From Plague to Profit: Chambira Weaving in Amazonian Peru

Global integration, through tourism and conservation efforts, has shaped resource use in rural Amazonia. The chambira (chahm-BEE-ra) palm (Astrocaryum chambira), […]

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Photo of Petrullo and chief

Vol. 59 / No. 2

By: Alessandro Pezzati

The Lost Explorer

The Disappearance of Colonel Percy H. Fawcett in the jungles of Mato Grosso*, Brazil in 1925 is still headline news. […]

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Vol. 58 / No. 2

By: Janet Monge

Mummies Beyond the Grave: An Introduction to Mummy Studies around the World

Over 20 years ago, I got hooked on mummies. It began when we first x-rayed the many South and North […]

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