American Section

Vol. I / No. 2

By: F.G. Speck

Some Uses of Birch Bark by Our Eastern Indians: American Section

The primitive Algonkian tribes of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada have only recently come in for a share […]

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Vol. I / No. 1

By: Edward Sapir

Two Paiute Myths

The two stories that follow are selected from a series of Paiute myths recently obtained from Tony Tillohash, a young […]

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Vol. I / No. 1

By: E.S.

An Apache Basket Jar: American Section

One ordinarily thinks of the Apache as cruel and unprincipled marauders without either time or inclination, until recent years, for […]

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Vol. I / No. 1

By: G.B.G.

Penobscot Birch Bark Canoe: American Section

Mr. John L. Hammer has presented to the Museum a birch bark canoe made by the Penobscot Indians in Maine. […]

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Vol. I / No. 1

By: W.N.B

The Heye Collection: American Section

The George G. Heye collection illustrating the culture of the American Indians has been materially enlarged since its first opening […]

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