Gift of Mrs. Morgan Wing on behalf of the Estate of Florence C. Whitney, 1942
Accession Lot
- Object[38]
- no[38]
- axe[3]
- crooked knife[1]
- dagger[10]
- dagger sheath[1]
- knife[17]
- phurpa[1]
- sheath[1]
- shield[1]
- side knife[1]
- sword[1]
- throwing knife[1]
- alaska[6]
- arabian peninsula[2]
- belgian congo[6]
- british columbia[2]
- canada[2]
- central belgian congo[1]
- copper river[1]
- copper river district[2]
- france[3]
- india[2]
- jaipur[1]
- japan[1]
- kasai district[2]
- katanga province[4]
- king island[1]
- mexico (central america)[1]
- mitla[1]
- nepal[1]
- new hampshire[1]
- north america[2]
- northern luzon[1]
- northern zaire[1]
- oaxaca (mexican state)[1]
- philippine islands[1]
- queen charlotte islands[2]
- south prince of wales island[1]
- tibet[1]
- united states of america[7]
- valdez[1]
- zaire[14]
1 - 30 of 38 Records
1 - 30 of 38 Records