Purchased from Davis & Harvey (Coleman Estate Sale); Subscription of Phebe A. Hearst, 1897
Accession Lot
- Object[186]
- mediterranean[186]
- alabastron[1]
- amphora[4]
- amphora lid[1]
- amphoriskos[1]
- aryballos[1]
- askos[1]
- bottle[2]
- bowl[6]
- buckle[2]
- candelabrum foot[1]
- chair[1]
- chalice[13]
- cinerary chest[1]
- cinerary chest lid[1]
- column krater[2]
- cup[1]
- die[1]
- dipper[1]
- dish[9]
- figurine[23]
- footed bowl[1]
- handle[7]
- holkion[13]
- hydria[2]
- jug[5]
- kantharos[1]
- knife[1]
- kyathos[2]
- kylix[12]
- ladle[3]
- lamp[4]
- lekythos[1]
- lentoid flask[1]
- lid[2]
- metal fragment[2]
- mirror[3]
- mirror handle[2]
- model[2]
- mug[1]
- neck amphora[1]
- oinochoe[6]
- olpe[3]
- ornament[7]
- ornaments[4]
- panel[1]
- patera[2]
- phiale[1]
- pin[1]
- plate[3]
- pot stand[1]
- prochoos[1]
- pyxis[2]
- pyxis lid[2]
- raw material[1]
- rhyton[4]
- ring[1]
- rod[3]
- scraper[1]
- seal (object)[1]
- situla handle[1]
- skyphos[1]
- spade[1]
- spatula[2]
- spearhead[1]
- spoon[1]
- stamnos[1]
- stand[3]
- stemmed bowl[1]
- table[1]
- tablet[2]
- tripod bowl[1]
- unguentarium[1]
- urn[2]
- urn lid[1]
- vase[3]
- vase handle[3]
- vessel foot[2]
- vessel handle[1]
- votive[2]
- well curb[1]
- wine strainer[1]
- aegean[1]
- apulian[2]
- archaic greek[1]
- attic[13]
- campanian[2]
- classical greek[1]
- etruscan[30]
- gnathian[1]
- greek[2]
- hellenistic[1]
- italian[1]
- italic[11]
- nuragic[2]
- roman[6]
- sardinian[2]
- south italian[8]
- ziro burial[23]
- acrobat[1]
- amphora[18]
- animal[1]
- animal head[1]
- animals[2]
- apollo[1]
- architecture[1]
- artemis[2]
- artemis?[1]
- athena[2]
- athlete[2]
- athletes[1]
- athletics[2]
- basket[1]
- biga[1]
- birds[1]
- boar[1]
- boxer[1]
- bull head[1]
- castanet[1]
- chest[2]
- column[1]
- couch[2]
- cupid[1]
- dance[1]
- dancing[1]
- diana?[1]
- dionysos[1]
- dionysos?[1]
- dipinto[2]
- discus[2]
- dish[1]
- dog[1]
- double flute[2]
- draped woman[2]
- duck[1]
- eagle[1]
- eros?[1]
- etruscan inscription[1]
- faun[1]
- feline[1]
- felines[2]
- female head[6]
- fire[1]
- fish[1]
- floral motif[1]
- flute[2]
- fountain[1]
- graffito[1]
- greek inscription[1]
- griffin[20]
- hare[1]
- harpies[1]
- harpy[1]
- head[3]
- heracles[1]
- herm[1]
- hermes[1]
- hetairai?[1]
- hiems?[1]
- horse[1]
- horse head[1]
- horses[2]
- human head[2]
- human leg[1]
- hunter[1]
- huntress[1]
- hydria[1]
- inscription[2]
- iolaus[1]
- javelin[1]
- jumping weight[2]
- kantharos[1]
- krotala[1]
- latin inscription[1]
- leto[1]
- lion[2]
- lyre[2]
- maenad[2]
- male bust[1]
- man[6]
- men[4]
- mirror[1]
- mistress of animals[1]
- murder of aegisthus?[1]
- music[1]
- palmettes[2]
- pharetra[2]
- quiver[2]
- ram[3]
- satyr[2]
- shawabti[2]
- sigla[3]
- sphinx[2]
- staff[2]
- woman[20]
- women[2]
- wreath[2]
- youth[8]
- youths[2]
- bone[1]
- bronze[69]
- ceramic[98]
- copper alloy[7]
- flint[1]
- glass[6]
- iron[2]
- ivory[1]
- malachite[1]
- marble (stone)[2]
- paint[2]
- plaster[2]
- terracotta[4]
- wood[2]
- black figure[4]
- black glaze[4]
- blown[1]
- bucchero[45]
- carved[2]
- cast[3]
- core-form[3]
- engraved[1]
- handmade[1]
- impressed[1]
- inscribed[1]
- marvered[1]
- mosaic[1]
- mould made[2]
- painted[2]
- red figure[14]
- rouletted[1]
- stamped[1]
- superposed color[1]
- white ground[1]
- actual citation[149]
- type citation[7]
1 - 30 of 186 Records

1 - 30 of 186 Records