Romano, Irene B. Classical Sculpture; Catalogue of the Cypriot, Greek and Roman Stone Sculpture in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2006.
- Object[165]
- egyptian[2]
- mediterranean[126]
- near eastern[37]
- bust[8]
- column[1]
- figurine[6]
- frieze fragment[1]
- funerary stela[1]
- grave stela[6]
- gravestone[2]
- head[2]
- herm[3]
- inscription[1]
- lekythos[1]
- loculus[1]
- loutrophoros[1]
- mask[1]
- mortuary statue[13]
- plaque[1]
- portrait[2]
- relief[7]
- relief fragment[2]
- sculpture[32]
- statue[59]
- statue fragment[11]
- statuette[20]
- statuette fragment[2]
- statuette head[1]
- stela[1]
- vase[3]
- athens[4]
- attica[6]
- baalbek[1]
- benghazi[1]
- beth shean[14]
- bovillae[1]
- bumo[1]
- caesarea mazaca[2]
- cairo[1]
- campania[5]
- chytroi[1]
- coptos[1]
- crete[1]
- cyprus[16]
- eastern mediterranean[5]
- egypt[3]
- el bab[1]
- etruria[2]
- florence[1]
- greece[8]
- hierapolis[1]
- idalion[3]
- ionia[2]
- iraq[1]
- israel[14]
- italy[74]
- kition[1]
- kourion[4]
- lake nemi[47]
- latium[58]
- libya[1]
- mediterranean[18]
- minturnae[8]
- montecelio[1]
- naples[1]
- northern syria[2]
- palmyra[15]
- pozzuoli[2]
- puteoli[1]
- rethymna[1]
- rome[2]
- rome (italy)[2]
- rumeli hisar[1]
- sanctuary of apollo hylates[4]
- sardinia[1]
- smyrna[1]
- smyrna (turkey)[1]
- syria[19]
- teano[2]
- troad[1]
- turkey (country)[6]
- kourion[4]
- 17th century[1]
- archaic[1]
- augustan period[2]
- byzantine[1]
- classical greek period[6]
- cypro-archaic period[1]
- early imperial roman[1]
- early imperial roman period[2]
- flavian period[2]
- graeco-roman[1]
- hellenistic[1]
- hellenistic period[21]
- imperial roman[2]
- imperial roman period[11]
- iron age iib[1]
- julio-claudian period[2]
- late hellenistic period[1]
- late republican period[1]
- late republican roman period[13]
- parthian period[1]
- republican roman period[2]
- roman[4]
- roman period[36]
- seleucid period[2]
- severan period[1]
- attic[3]
- classical greek[1]
- cypriot[10]
- east greek[1]
- graeco-roman[2]
- greco-roman[1]
- greek[23]
- hellenistic[8]
- imperial roman[3]
- parthian[1]
- provincial roman[5]
- roman[92]
- seleucid[1]
- syrian[1]
- acropolis[1]
- artemis temple[1]
- bath building, area xv, locus f.[1]
- baths[1]
- dardanelles / plain of troy[1]
- doorway to south vault of temple l[1]
- grove of artemis paralia, near salt lake[1]
- in a masonry byz. wash-trough, e. flank, "temple of julius caesar"[1]
- in hollow w. of temple b (temple of julius caesar)[1]
- porta pia[1]
- provenience unknown[1]
- sanctuary of diana nemorensis[3]
- steps of isis temple[1]
- sw corner temple of julius caesar[2]
- temple l[1]
- vaults under "temple l"[1]
- villa of marius at tivoli[1]
- aesclepius[1]
- agrippina the elder[1]
- agrippina the younger[1]
- amphora[2]
- aphrodite[5]
- aphrodite anadyomene[1]
- athena[1]
- bacchante[1]
- bacchus[1]
- banquet[2]
- banquet scene[1]
- bird[1]
- bird claw[1]
- caligula?[1]
- caracalla[2]
- caryatid?[1]
- cauldron[5]
- centaur[1]
- child[1]
- comic mask[1]
- crocodile[1]
- crown[1]
- cup[1]
- cybele[2]
- dancing faun[1]
- daughter[1]
- deer[1]
- diana[6]
- dionysos[3]
- dionysos?[1]
- discobolos torso[1]
- double head[1]
- draped woman[2]
- eagle[1]
- emperor[1]
- eros[3]
- eros?[1]
- father[1]
- faun[6]
- faunus[1]
- female[2]
- female head[20]
- female torso[3]
- finger[5]
- floral motif[1]
- foot[1]
- fortuna[1]
- funeral[2]
- girl[1]
- god[2]
- goddess head[1]
- gorgoneion[1]
- grape vine[1]
- grapes[1]
- grapevine[1]
- greek inscription[5]
- griffin[5]
- hand[2]
- head[12]
- helmet[1]
- heracles[2]
- herm[1]
- hermaphrodite[1]
- hermes[2]
- horse[1]
- human[1]
- human face[1]
- human figure[1]
- human foot[6]
- human head[4]
- human leg[1]
- human torso[1]
- hygieia[1]
- inscription[6]
- isis[1]
- janiform[1]
- jupiter[1]
- kore[1]
- krinylla[1]
- lamb[1]
- latin inscription[8]
- lekythos[1]
- leopard[1]
- lion[1]
- loutrophoros[1]
- maenad?[1]
- male[2]
- male bust[1]
- male head[7]
- male torso[2]
- man[11]
- mask[1]
- panathenaic amphora[2]
- priest[2]
- satyr[3]
- soldier[2]
- venus[3]
- woman[15]
- young man[2]
- youth[12]
- alabaster[5]
- basalt[1]
- bronze[2]
- copper[1]
- gold foil[1]
- granite[1]
- limestone[36]
- marble (stone)[110]
- parian marble[2]
- pentelic marble[7]
- pigment[2]
- sandstone[1]
- stone[3]
- terracotta[2]
- carved[79]
- high relief[6]
- mould made[1]
- polished[1]
- relief[1]
- actual citation[165]
- type citation[1]
1 - 30 of 165 Records

1 - 30 of 165 Records