Berges, Dietrich K. Höchste Schönheit und einfache Grazie. Klassizistische Gemmen und Kameen der Sammlung Maxwell Sommerville im University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia PA.. Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf GMbH, 2011.
- Object[257]
- mediterranean[257]
- box[1]
- box lid[6]
- bracelet[1]
- bracelet fragment[3]
- gem[257]
- gem impression[5]
- locket[3]
- pendant[13]
- pin[8]
- ring[124]
- stickpin[6]
- swivel ring[1]
- italy[5]
- mediterranean[252]
- french[3]
- graeco-roman[4]
- italian[26]
- neoclassical[1]
- northern european[1]
- roman[2]
- russian[2]
- achilles[3]
- achilles?[1]
- aelius caesar[1]
- aeneas[2]
- aesclepius[2]
- agrippa[1]
- agrippina[1]
- ajax[4]
- alexander the great[4]
- alexander the great?[2]
- altar[4]
- amazon[2]
- anchises[2]
- andromeda[2]
- antinous[1]
- antony?[1]
- aphrodite[3]
- aphrodite?[1]
- apollo belvedere[3]
- apollo?[3]
- arethusa?[1]
- ariadne[1]
- ariadne?[2]
- arsinoe[1]
- artemis[2]
- ascanius[2]
- asp[1]
- aspasia[2]
- astuzia[1]
- athena[6]
- athena?[1]
- atlanta[1]
- boar[2]
- bull[2]
- caracalla[3]
- caracalla?[2]
- centaur[2]
- christ[2]
- cicero[2]
- cloak[2]
- club[3]
- column[3]
- cretan bull[2]
- cupid[2]
- dagger[2]
- dionysis?[2]
- dionysos[6]
- eagle[2]
- eros[10]
- female figure[3]
- goat skin[2]
- greek warrior[3]
- hadrian[2]
- hannibal[4]
- hebe[2]
- hector[3]
- hellenistic ruler[2]
- helmet[2]
- heracles[14]
- hermes[2]
- homer[2]
- horse[2]
- inscription[14]
- lion skin[10]
- lysimachus[2]
- maenad[10]
- man[13]
- marcus agrippa[2]
- medici lady[2]
- medusa[2]
- meleager[3]
- men[2]
- muse[2]
- oinochoe[2]
- omphale[2]
- orb[2]
- pan[2]
- pericles[2]
- perseus[2]
- phrygian cap[2]
- pope pius vii[2]
- priapus[2]
- prince paris[2]
- roman empress[2]
- sappho[4]
- sappho?[3]
- satyr[6]
- shield[3]
- signature[42]
- silenus[2]
- socrates[4]
- sword[2]
- tears of achilles[2]
- thyrsus[5]
- warrior[4]
- woman[16]
- young man[3]
- youth[3]
- zeus[4]
- zeus-serapis[2]
- agate[14]
- alabaster[2]
- amethyst[3]
- carnelian[39]
- chalcedony[55]
- crystal[1]
- crystal (stone)[2]
- egyptian jasper[1]
- emerald[1]
- enamel[2]
- glass[6]
- gold[107]
- green jasper[6]
- greenstone[1]
- jasper[6]
- lapis lazuli[1]
- metal[13]
- niccolo[1]
- onyx[52]
- peridot[1]
- plaster[4]
- pulpa di francia[1]
- red jasper[2]
- rhone pebble[1]
- russian jasper[1]
- sard[22]
- sardonyx[68]
- serpentine[1]
- shell[1]
- siberian jasper[1]
- silver[22]
- stone[6]
- topaz[6]
- tortoise shell[1]
- turquoise[1]
- after feodor tolstoi[1]
- after giovanni pichler[1]
- after luigi pichler[1]
- after pistrucci[1]
- antonio berini[2]
- belham[1]
- berini[1]
- cerbara[1]
- dioscurides[1]
- dubois[1]
- eckel[1]
- emil burch[5]
- giovanni antonio santarelli[4]
- giovanni pichler[1]
- giovanni weder[1]
- girometti[1]
- hecker[1]
- hyllos[2]
- imperial kolyvan stone cutting factory[1]
- l. ghissali[1]
- luigi pichler[10]
- marchant[2]
- morelli[2]
- niccolo cerbara[1]
- passaglia[1]
- philip rega[1]
- pichler[5]
- pistrucci[1]
- pozzi[1]
- rebek[1]
- roman vincent jeuffroy[1]
- santarelli[3]
- teresa talani[2]
- wilgot[1]
- actual citation[257]
31 - 60 of 257 Records
31 - 60 of 257 Records