Search Collections
- Object[196]
- yes[196]
- african[2]
- egyptian[166]
- mediterranean[10]
- near eastern[18]
- alabastron[1]
- amphora[1]
- amulet[6]
- architectural model[1]
- bead[3]
- bead network[1]
- bead string[3]
- bowl[1]
- bracelet[2]
- canopic jar[1]
- canopic jar lid[1]
- charm case[1]
- cippus[1]
- coin[9]
- collar[1]
- cup[4]
- decorative panel[1]
- dinar[9]
- dipper[1]
- dirham[3]
- earring[1]
- fals[1]
- false door[1]
- figurine[6]
- flask[1]
- glass[1]
- goblet drum[1]
- hadra hydria[1]
- hair pin[1]
- heart scarab[1]
- jar[5]
- jug[1]
- kohl pot[2]
- kohl pot lid[1]
- ladle[1]
- lamp[1]
- mirror[1]
- model[28]
- mosaic[1]
- necklace[2]
- oboe[1]
- offering table[1]
- ostracon[1]
- paint palette[2]
- panel[1]
- pectoral[1]
- pectoral scarab[1]
- pendant[2]
- plaque[1]
- quarter dinar[1]
- relief[1]
- relief fragment[1]
- scarab[5]
- scarab ring[1]
- sculptor's model[1]
- shawabti[3]
- sherd[8]
- shroud[1]
- situla[1]
- solidus[1]
- statuary[1]
- statue[25]
- statue fragment[2]
- statuette[8]
- statuette fragment[1]
- stela[9]
- string of beads[5]
- stylus[1]
- tablet[1]
- tomb model[10]
- unguentarium[1]
- vase[2]
- votive[6]
- wing[1]
- abydos[25]
- aniba[2]
- cairo[12]
- coptos[1]
- dendereh[4]
- dra abu el-naga[2]
- edfu[1]
- egypt[196]
- el-amarna[3]
- el-kab[1]
- fayum[1]
- giza[1]
- harageh[1]
- hierakonpolis[1]
- italy[1]
- karanog cemetery[17]
- karnak[1]
- luxor[2]
- memphis (egypt)[1]
- meydum[1]
- mit-rahineh[12]
- near east[6]
- nubia[21]
- saqqara[1]
- sedment[40]
- shablul[2]
- sicily[1]
- sinai[1]
- syria[1]
- tell dafana[8]
- thebes (egypt)[9]
- tunisia[1]
- upper egypt[1]
- abbasid dynasty[1]
- ahmose ii[1]
- archaic greek period[1]
- constantius chlorus[1]
- early nineteenth dynasty[1]
- early ptolemaic[1]
- egyptian early dynastic[3]
- eighteenth dynasty[10]
- eleventh dynasty[1]
- fatimid dynasty[7]
- fifth dynasty[1]
- first dynasty[2]
- first intermediate period[40]
- fourth dynasty[1]
- graeco-roman[1]
- graeco-roman period[1]
- hatshepsut[1]
- hellenistic period[2]
- imperial roman period[3]
- khasekhem[1]
- late eighteenth dynasty[1]
- late period[15]
- mamluk dynasty[2]
- maximian i[1]
- meroitic[2]
- middle kingdom[28]
- narmer[1]
- new kingdom[20]
- nineteenth dynasty[8]
- old kingdom[3]
- ptolemaic period[4]
- ptolemy vi[1]
- roman period[4]
- saite period[1]
- second dynasty[1]
- sixth dynasty[1]
- third intermediate period[4]
- thirteenth dynasty[1]
- thirty-third dynasty[2]
- tutankhamun[1]
- tuthmosis iii[1]
- twelfth dynasty[25]
- twentieth dynasty[2]
- twenty-first dynasty[1]
- twenty-second dynasty[4]
- twenty-sixth dynasty[8]
- umayyad dynasty[2]
- aegean[1]
- archaic greek[1]
- clazomenian (culture)[6]
- east greek[7]
- egyptian[1]
- fatimid[7]
- graeco-roman[1]
- greek[2]
- hellenistic[1]
- imperial roman[3]
- islamic[2]
- italic[5]
- meroitic[18]
- ptolemaic[4]
- rhodian[2]
- roman[5]
- syrian[1]
- umayyad[2]
- north africa[2]
- 200.20[3]
- 200.20 c. 4 metres above merenptah in centre of trench n edge[1]
- 200.20 ca 4 meters above merenptah, in center of trench, north edge[1]
- 200:20, ca 4.00 above merenptah in centre trench n. edge[1]
- 508[1]
- 7b[2]
- an14[2]
- b6/13[1]
- cemetery d[1]
- debris from holes s. of house[1]
- e 108[13]
- e 108, tomb of hor[6]
- e 189[1]
- g[1]
- g 139[1]
- g 187[1]
- g 189[1]
- g 242[1]
- g 284[1]
- g 297[1]
- g 442[1]
- g 527[2]
- g 535[1]
- g 550[1]
- g 566[1]
- g 712[2]
- g 83[1]
- horus temple[1]
- l.c. ii, 3, surface x x1[1]
- mosque[1]
- ramesseum[2]
- ramesseum; originally from the temple precinct of mut at karnak.[1]
- sacred enclosure of the temple of the god ptah[1]
- south portal[1]
- strip 100e, sub[1]
- t15[1]
- temple main deposit[1]
- tomb 141[1]
- tomb 2111, tomb of khentkhety[38]
- tomb 260[2]
- tomb 314[1]
- tomb e 108[1]
- tomb g 2093[1]
- tomb of qa'a (tomb q), east side, over chamber 3[1]
- tt 198 (?)[1]
- amenhotep ii[1]
- amun[1]
- ankh[2]
- archer[1]
- asiatic[1]
- aten[1]
- athena[1]
- atum[1]
- bes[2]
- bird[1]
- bivalve shell[1]
- boat[28]
- bugs[1]
- bull[1]
- bull?[1]
- cartouche[1]
- cat[1]
- chair[1]
- cowrie shell[2]
- crocodile[1]
- crocodiles[1]
- diefankh[1]
- dog[2]
- duamutef[2]
- eagle[1]
- egyptian inscription[1]
- falcon[1]
- falcon head[1]
- family[1]
- female[2]
- fish[2]
- four figures[1]
- gazelle?[1]
- gazelles[1]
- giraffe[1]
- goat?[1]
- harpocrates[1]
- heart scarab[3]
- hedgehog[1]
- herdsman[1]
- horus[6]
- horus falcon[1]
- human[2]
- hymn[1]
- imhotep[1]
- inheret[1]
- isis[5]
- isis knot[1]
- jackal head[1]
- jupiter[1]
- king[4]
- knife[1]
- lion[1]
- lion head[1]
- lotus[1]
- magic formula[1]
- male[3]
- man[5]
- men[38]
- mesty[1]
- monkey[2]
- montu[1]
- necho ii[1]
- nefertem[1]
- nekhbet[1]
- oars[28]
- offering table[2]
- osiris[2]
- palace[1]
- pomegranate[1]
- priest[1]
- princess[1]
- ptah[2]
- queen[1]
- re`[2]
- sailing boat[10]
- scorpion[1]
- seated male[1]
- seated man[2]
- seated woman[2]
- sekhmet[5]
- serapis head[1]
- serekh[3]
- serpents[1]
- sitepehu[1]
- snake[1]
- sons of horus[1]
- spear[1]
- sphinx[1]
- sun[1]
- sun hymn[1]
- swans[1]
- syrian[1]
- tables of the sun[1]
- trees[2]
- tutankhamun[1]
- tuthmosis iii?[1]
- tutu[1]
- winged scarab[3]
- woman[2]
- king[1]
- coptic language[1]
- hieratic[1]
- hieroglyphic[28]
- meroitic language[1]
- agate[1]
- alabaster[3]
- amethyst[2]
- basalt[4]
- bone[1]
- bronze[23]
- calcite[1]
- carnelian[2]
- ceramic[21]
- chalcedony[1]
- diorite[3]
- electrum[6]
- faience[12]
- feldspar[2]
- fiber[2]
- garnet[1]
- gesso[27]
- glass[10]
- gold[24]
- granite[4]
- granodiorite[2]
- graywacke[3]
- ivory[2]
- jasper[1]
- lapis[1]
- limestone[12]
- marble (stone)[4]
- paint[12]
- paste[2]
- pigment[46]
- plaster[1]
- quartz monzonite[1]
- quartzite[2]
- sandstone[7]
- schist[1]
- serpentine[3]
- silver[4]
- skin[1]
- steatite[4]
- stone[4]
- travertine[1]
- wood[44]
- actual citation[146]
- type citation[1]
1 - 32 of 196 Records
1 - 32 of 196 Records