Minturnae Expedition

In 1931, the Penn Museum was able to secure permission from the Italian government to excavate the ancient Roman and pre-Roman city of Minturnae, 50 miles from Naples. Situated along the Appian Way, the site featured a well-preserved aqueduct, several temples, a theater, and baths, as well as important collections of marble sculpture.

Vol. VI / No. 2

By: J. J.

The Road from Rome

An Expedition from the Museum excavated at the site of Minturnae, Italy, from 1931 to 1933, uncovering its Republican forum, […]

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Vol. V / No. 6

Pottery from Minturnae

A RECENT issue (Volume V, Numbers 4-5) of the Bollettino of the International Mediterranean Research Association was devoted to Campanian […]

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Vol. IV / No. 5

The Expedition to Minturnae

DURING the first season at Minturnre, Italy, the Museum’s expedition (as reported from time to time in these pages) cleared […]

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Vol. IV / No. 4

The Expedition to Minturnæ

NO formal report has yet been received from Dr. Jotham Johnson since the resumption of excavations at Minturnre, Italy. A […]

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Vol. IV / No. 3

A Marble Head from Minturnæ

THE interesting head shown in Plate V is one of the sculptural finds from last season’s work at Minturnæ. It […]

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Vol. IV / No. 2

By: J. J.

A Marble Head from Minturnae

ONE of the earliest areas to attract the attention of the staff of the Museum’s Expedition to Minturnæ was a […]

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Vol. IV / No. 1

By: J. J.

Two Sculptures from Minturnæ

TWO terra-cotta sculptures found in the course of last season’s work at Minturnae are here shown, in Plates IV and […]

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Vol. III / No. 6

Progress at Minturno

OBJECTS of interest continue to be found at Minturno, which, as the weeks go by, repeatedly confirms its importance as […]

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Vol. III / No. 3-4

The Minturno Expedition

A NUMBER of interesting finds at Minturno have been reported recently by Dr. Jotham Johnson. Among these, part of the […]

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Vol. III / No. 1

Excavations at Minturno

THROUGH the good offices of Count David A. Costantini, president of the International Society for Mediterranean Research, the Museum has […]

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