American Section

Vol. XVIII / No. 1

By: Dr. J. Alden Mason

Native American Jades

JADE, that exquisite stone of emerald hue, translucent and of almost gem-like hardness, has ever been sought, prized and almost […]

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Vol. XVII / No. 4

By: J. Alden Mason

A Collection From The Crow Indians

Among the Indian tribes of our Great Plains, those buffalo hunting, tipi inhabiting, feather bedecked, upstanding warriors who to us […]

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Vol. XVII / No. 3

By: J. Alden Mason

Additions To The American Section

I A Peruvian Aryballus By gift of Mr. F. C. Durant the Museum has acquired an excellent and unusually large […]

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Vol. XVII / No. 2

By: J. Alden Mason

Dr. Farabee’s Last Journey

Four centuries ago to this very year, in 1526, a handful of men stood on the deck of a tiny […]

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Vol. XVII / No. 1

By: Henry Usher Hall

Some Shields Of The Plains And Southwest

The hero of the pictorial record of Plains Indian life described elsewhere in the present number of the JOURNAL carries […]

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Vol. XVII / No. 1

By: Henry Usher Hall

A Buffalo Robe Biography

The museum has lately acquired a painted buffalo robe of that interesting class which provides pictorial records of the warlike […]

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Vol. XVI / No. 3

By: Henry Usher Hall

A Souvenir Of The Great Explorers

The University Museum has recently received from Alaska an object of quite extraordinary interest, found in an Indian village on […]

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Vol. XV / No. 2

By: Robert Burkitt

A Journey in Northern Guatemala

After riting to you from Chocolá, I went up to Kesaltenango: where I got a copy, which haz been useful […]

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Archives Image # 148787

Vol. XIV / No. 1

The Alaskan Expedition

Mr. Louis Shotridge, who left for Alaska last spring, has made his headquarters at Haines, from which place journeys have […]

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Vol. XIV / No. 1

The Peruvian Expedition: Dr. Farabee in South America

Dr.Farabee has now been one year in South America conducting excavations on behalf of the Museum. The region chosen for […]

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