September 1974 |
Children's Games
Expedition Magazine Volume 17 | Issue 1 |
June 1947 |
The Pacific Area: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum
Museum Bulletin Volume 12 | Issue 3-4 |
March 1990 |
The Textiles from Pazyryk: A Study in the Transfer and Transformation of Artisitc Motifs
Expedition Magazine Volume 32 | Issue 1 |
June 1947 |
Prehistoric Ancestors of Modern Types of Man: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum
Museum Bulletin Volume 12 | Issue 3-4 |
June 1947 |
Living Types of Man in the Pacific Region: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum
Museum Bulletin Volume 12 | Issue 3-4 |
June 1947 |
Languages: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum
Museum Bulletin Volume 12 | Issue 3-4 |
June 1947 |
Archaeology: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum
Museum Bulletin Volume 12 | Issue 3-4 |
June 1947 |
Historic Cultures of the Pacific: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum
Museum Bulletin Volume 12 | Issue 3-4 |
June 1947 |
The Future: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum
Museum Bulletin Volume 12 | Issue 3-4 |
June 1947 |
Suggested Reading: The Oceanic Collections of the University Museum
Museum Bulletin Volume 12 | Issue 3-4 |
September 1929 |
The Lock Haven Expedition
Museum Journal Volume XX | Number 3-4 |