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157 Publications

Year Title Vol. / No.
1979 The Archaeology of Cape Nome, Alaska No. 38
1951 Cave Explorations in Iran 1949 No. 5
1953 A Third Century Hoard of Tetradrachms from Gordion No. 9
1992 New Theories on the Ancient Maya No. 77
1995 The Middle Paleolithic Site of Combe-Capelle Bas (France) No. 91
1992 The Middle Paleolithic: Adaptation, Behavior, and Variability No. 78
1998 The Roman Villa: Villa Urbana No. 101
1952 Arctic Woodland Culture of the Kobuk River No. 8
1953 Native Astronomy in the Central Carolines No. 10
2016 The New Chronology of the Bronze Age Settlement of Tepe Hissar, Iran No. 142
1999 Appearance and Essence. Refinements of Classical Architecture: Curvature No. 107
2003 A Central Asian Village at the Dawn of Civilization, Excavations at Anau, Turkmenistan No. 116
1966 The Iron Age at Beth Shan: A Study of Levels VI–IV No. 28
1950 Language of the Papago of Arizona No. 3
1991 Excavations at Haft Tepe, Iran No. 70
1996 Marlik: The Complete Excavation Report No. 87
1973 The Northern Cemetery of Beth Shan No. 33
1993 The Paleolithic Prehistory of the Zagros-Taurus No. 83
1959 Hebrew Inscriptions and Stamps from Gibeon No. 17
1961 The Water System at Gibeon No. 22
1963 The Bronze Age Cemetery at Gibeon No. 25
1964 Winery, Defenses, and Soundings at Gibeon No. 26
1975 Sarepta: A Preliminary Report on the Iron Age No. 35
1980 The Cemetery at Tell es-Sa`idiyeh, Jordan No. 41
1985 Tell es-Sa`idiyeh: Excavations on the Tell, 1964–1966 No. 60
1967 The Search for Sybaris, 1960–1965 No. 29
1991 The Gift of Birds: Featherwork of Native South American Peoples No. 75
2002 Tepe Gawra: The Evolution of a Small, Prehistoric Center in Northern Iraq No. 112
1978 The Prehistory of Chalchuapa, El Salvador No. 36
1949 The Code of Lipit-Ishtar No. 1
1956 Study of the Cranial and Skeletal Material Excavated at Nippur No. 12
1962 A Racial Study of the West Nakanai No. 24
1983 Bamboula at Kourion: The Architecture No. 42
1955 Terracotta Figurines from Kourion in Cyprus No. 11
1991 Cypriot Ceramics: Reading the Prehistoric Record No. 74
1981 The Monuments and Inscriptions of Caracol, Belize No. 45
2007 Dún Ailinne: Excavations at an Irish Royal Site, 1968–1975 No. 129
1986 The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Central Transjordan: The Baq’ah Valley Project, 1977–1981 No. 65
1956 A Hittite Cemetery at Gordion No. 13
1997 The Hyksos: New Historical and Archaeological Perspectives No. 96
2000 The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment No. 108
2006 Classical Sculpture: Catalogue of the Cypriot, Greek, and Roman Stone Sculpture in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology No. 125
1987 The Panagia Houses at Mycenae No. 68
1950 Excavations at Tepe Gawra, vol. 2 No. 4
1967 Textiles from Beneath the Temple of Pachacamac, Peru No. 30
1996 Craft Specialization and Social Evolution: In Memory of V. Gordon Childe No. 93
1997 The Hilprecht Collection of Greek, Italic, and Roman Bronzes in the University of Pennsylvania Museum No. 98
1990 Lang Rongrien Rockshelter: A Pleistocene, Early Holocene Archaeological Site from Krabi, Southwestern Thailand No. 71
1984 East Cretan White-on-dark Ware: Studies on a Handmade Pottery of the Early to Middle Minoan Periods No. 51
1999 Clovis Revisited: New Perspectives on Paleoindian Adaptations from Blackwater Draw, New Mexico No. 103
1986 Excavations at Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan: The Pottery No. 53
1988 Upper Pleistocene Prehistory of Western Eurasia No. 54
2005 Gordion Seals and Sealings: Individuals and Society No. 124
1994 Gordion Excavations 4: The Early Phrygian Pottery. 2 vols No. 79
1987 Archaeological Investigations in the Northern Maya Highlands, Guatemala: Interaction and the Development of Maya Civilization No. 59
2003 Multiple Approaches to the Study of Bifacial Technologies No. 115
2016 The Bronze Age Towers at Bat, Sultanate of Oman: Research by the Bat Archaeological Project, 2007–12 No. 143
1965 Mit Rahineh 1956 No. 27
1959 Mit Rahineh 1955 No. 16
2020 The Roman Peasant Project 2009–2014: Excavating the Roman Rural Poor No. 154
1968 Yengema Cave Report No. 31
1972 Bamboula at Kourion No. 32
1979 Quirigua Reports, vol. 1: Papers 1–5 No. 37
1959 Piedras Negras Archaeology: Artifacts, Caches, and Burials No. 18
1999 The Archaeometallurgy of the Asian Old World No. 89
1961 Sotira: A Neolithic Settlement in Cyprus No. 23
2003 Catalogue of Pottery from the Bronze and Early Iron Age Settlement of Vrokastro in the Collections of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and the Archaeological Museum, Herakleion, Crete No. 113
2004 The Settlement History of the Vrokastro Area and Related Studies No. 119
2005 The Vrokastro Regional Survey Project, Sites and Pottery No. 123
1983 Hajji Firuz Tepe, Iran: The Neolithic Settlement No. 50
2004 The Ilkhanid Heartland: Hasanlu Tepe (Iran) Period I No. 120
2013 Hasanlu V. The Late Bronze and Iron I Periods No. 137
1995 The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A No. 90
1998 Building AC (the “Shrine”) and Other Buildings in Area A No. 94
1999 Pseira IV: Minoan Buildings in Areas B, C, D, and F No. 105
2001 Pseira V: The Architecture of Pseira No. 109
1998 Pseira III: The Plateia Building No. 102
1996 Excavations at Anshan (Tal-e Malyan): The Middle Elamite Period No. 82
2003 Early Urban Life in the Land of Anshan: Excavations at Tal-e Malyan in the Highlands of Iran No. 117
1990 The Proto-Elamite Settlement at TUV No. 69
1981 Three Great Early Tumuli No. 43
1991 The Bronze Age No. 73
1995 The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli. Part 1: The Inhumations No. 88
1950 Schooldays: A Sumerian Composition Relating to the Education of a Scribe No. 2
1952 Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta: A Sumerian Epic Tale of Iraq and Iran No. 7
1980 The Catalogue of Ivories from Hasanlu, Iran No. 40
1996 Emblems of Identity and Prestige: The Seals and Sealings from Hasanlu, Iran, Commentary and Catalog No. 84
1980 A Decorated Breastplate from Hasanlu, Iran: Type, Style, and Context of an Equestrian Ornament No. 39
2011 Peoples and Crafts in Period IVB at Hasanlu, Iran No. 132
1998 Stephanos: Studies in Honor of Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway No. 100
1993 The Late Bronze Egyptian Garrison at Beth Shan: A Study of Levels VII and VIII No. 85
2017 Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Change at Ancient Gordion No. 145
2010 Botanical Aspects of Environment and Economy at Gordion, Turkey No. 131
1987 Nonverbal Graffiti, Dipinti, and Stamps No. 86
2009 The Incised Drawings from Early Phrygian Gordion No. 130
1995 The Terracotta Figurines and Related Vessels No. 86
2011 The New Chronology of Iron Age Gordion No. 133
2012 The Archaeology of Phrygian Gordion, Royal City of Midas No. 136
2021 Lydian Painted Pottery Abroad: The Gordion Excavations 1950–1973 No. 156
1959 Sumerian Proverbs: Glimpses of Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia No. 19
1985 Tikal Report 19: Excavations in Small Residential Groups of Tikal: Groups 4F-1 and 4F-2 No. 58
2014 Tikal Report 20A: Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal: Non-Elite Groups without Shrines. The Excavations. No. 139
2014 Tikal Report 20B: Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal: Non-Elite Groups without Shrines. Analysis and Conclusions No. 140
2015 Tikal Report 22: Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal—Group 7F-1 No. 141
2019 Tikal Report 17: Excavations in the West Plaza of Tikal No. 151
1988 Altyn-Depe No. 55
1951 Early Man in the Eden Valley No. 6
1983 Quirigua Reports, vol. 2: Papers 6–15 No. 49
2014 Excavations at Gilund: The Artifacts and Other Studies No. 138
1983 Tikal Report 31: The Graffiti of Tikal No. 57
2021 King Seneb-Kay’s Tomb and the Necropolis of a Lost Dynasty at Abydos No. 155
1999 Tikal Report 21: Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal: Groups with Shrines No. 104
2004 Early Beth Shan (Strata XIX–XIII): G. M. FitzGerald's Deep Cut on the Tell No. 121
1961 Tikal Report 11: Map of the Ruins of Tikal, El Peten, Guatemala No. 31
2001 The “Ur-Nammu” Stela No. 110
1991 Tikal Report 14: Excavations in the Great Plaza, North Terrace, and North Acropolis of Tikal No. 61
1982 Tikal Report 12: Introduction to the Archaeology of Tikal, Guatemala No. 46
1996 Tikal Report 16: Excavations in the East Plaza of Tikal No. 92
1957 Stone Artifacts at and near the Finley Site, near Eden, Wyoming No. 14
2004 Piedras Negras Archaeology, 1931–1939 No. 122
1997 The Southern Caucasus in Prehistory: Stages of Cultural and Socioeconomic Development from the Eighth to the Second Millennium B.C. No. 99
2018 Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2A: Background to the Study of the Metal Remains No. 149
2018 Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2B: Metals and Related Evidence from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don Klang No. 150
2019 Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2C: The Metal Remains in Regional Context No. 153
2021 Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2D: Catalogs for Metals and Related Remains from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don Klang No. 157
2002 Ban Chiang, a Prehistoric Village Site in Northeast Thailand. 1: The Human Skeletal Remains No. 111
1961 Tikal Report 5-10 No. 20
1986 Tikal Report 1-11 No. 64
2023 The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli Part II: The Cremations No. 158
1983 Tikal Report 13: The Settlement Survey of Tikal No. 48
2023 The Bone and Ivory Objects from Gordion No. 159
1993 Quirigua Reports, vol. 3: Archaeological Investigations in the Lower Motagua Valley, Izabal, Guatemala: A Study in Monumental Site Function and Interaction. No. 80
2007 Quirigua Reports, vol. 4: Settlement Archaeology at Quirigua, Guatemala No. 126
1984 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 1: Background and Introduction to the Excavations No. 52
1985 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 2: The East Greek, Island, and Laconian Pottery No. 56
1987 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 3: part 1: Scarabs, Inscribed Gems, and Engraved Finger Rings; part 2: Attic Black Figure and Black Glazed Pottery; part 3: Hellenistic and Roman Fine Wares; part 4: Conservation of Objects No. 66
1990 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 4: part 1: The Small Finds; part 2: Glass; part 3: Faunal and Human Skeletal Remains No. 67
1993 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 5: The Site's Architecture, Its First Six Hundred Years of Development No. 76
1998 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 6: part 1: The Coins; part 2: Attic Pottery No. 97
1999 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 7: The Corinthian Pottery No. 95
2012 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 8: The Sanctuary's Imperial Architectural Development, Conflict with Christianity, and Final Days No. 134
2007 Tikal Report 34A: Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala No. 128
2017 Tikal Report 23B: Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal: Great Temples III, IV, V, and VI No. 146
2018 Tikal Report 23C: Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal: The Plaza of the Seven Temples No. 147
2008 Tikal Report 27A: The Artifacts of Tikal: Ornamental and Ceremonial Artifacts and Unworked Material No. 127
1993 Tikal Report 25A: The Ceramics of Tikal No. 81
2019 Tikal Report 25B: The Ceramic Sequence of Tikal No. 152
2018 Tikal Report 23D: Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal: Structures in and around the Lost World Plaza No. 148
2002 Tikal Report 27B: The Artifacts of Tikal: Utilitarian Artifacts and Unworked Material No. 118
2012 Tikal Report 37: Historical Archaeology at Tikal, Guatemala No. 135
1983 The Cretan Collection in the University Museum, vol. 1: Minoan Objects Excavated from Vasilike, Pseira, Sphoungaras, Priniatikos Pyrgos, and Other Sites No. 47
1982 Tikal Report 33: The Monuments and Inscriptions of Tikal No. 44
1958 Tikal Report 1–4. No. 1: Field Director’s Report: The 1956 and 1957 Seasons; No. 2: Excavations in the Stela 23 Group; No. 3: The Problem of Abnormal Stela Placements at Tikal and Elsewhere; No. 4: Five Newly Discovered Carved Monuments at Tikal and New Data on Four Others No. 15
2002 Tikal Report 23A: Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal No. 114
2025 Gordion Glass Vessels No. 162
2024 Tikal Report 28: The Pottery Figurines of Tikal No. 161
2024 Equipment for Horses from the Period IVB (ca. 800–1000 BCE) Level at Tepe Hasanlu, Iran No. 160