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Non haec templa Ioui neque enim tibi, Phoebe, sacramus
nec superum turbae, sed pro mortalibus ipsis —
hic Graeci artifices: figulus pictorque decorus,
Etruscumque patres atque Albai Longai,
et genus armiferum, gentes quod uicerat omnes,
Romani, Martis duri Venerisque nepotes.
uobis, antiqui, carmen Saliare canamus.


Not to Jove, nor even to you, Apollo, do we consecrate this temple,
Nor to the entire heavenly host, but for mortals themselves —
Here are the Greek artisans: the potter and the noble painter;
And the forefathers of the Etruscans and of Alba Longa;
And the warlike race which defeated all other races,
The Romans, descendants of harsh Mars and of Venus.
For you, ye men of old, let us sing our Salian song.