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"Worlds Intertwined":
Media Photo Gallery

Welcome to UPM's Media Photo Gallery for "Worlds Intertwined: Etruscans, Greeks, and Romans," opening to the public March 16, 2003. The Museum's Public Information Office can provide high quality color and black and white photographs via mail or via e-mail as jpegs or tiffs.

Requests may be made by calling UPM's Public Information Office at 215/898-4045 or by emailing Please specify the image reference number (first column), your preferred format (digital vs. slide, color vs. b/w, jpg vs. tiff, resolution level), and your affiliation/publication. If you are looking for an image that does not appear on this page, the Public Information Office will work with you to locate an appropriate selection.

All photos: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.


From "The Etruscan World":
Antefix with satyr head, terracotta, 4th century BC, Cerveteri, Italy


From "The Etruscan World":
Footed bowl with man between horses, ceramic, late 8th century BC, Narce, Italy, Tomb 43


From "The Etruscan World":
Focolare tray with implements and vessels, ceramic, 6th century BC, Chiusi, Italy


From "The Etruscan World":
Etrusco-Corinthian olpe (jug), terracotta, 6th century BC, Vulci, Italy, Tomb B


From "The Etruscan World":
Cinerary urn, alabaster, 3rd-2nd centuries BC, Chiusi, Italy


From "The Etruscan World":
Crested helmet, bronze, end of 8th century BC, Narce, Italy, Tomb 43


From "The Roman World":
Relief from commemorative arch of Emperor Trajan (Side B), marble, AD 102, Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli), Italy. Also known as"The Puteoli Marble Block."


From "The Roman World":
The Puteoli Marble Block (Side A), erased inscription honoring Domitian, AD 95/96, Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli), Italy.


From "The Roman World":
Loculus (burial niche) cover, funerary relief of man and servants, limestone, 2nd century AD, Palmyra, Syria

From "The Roman World":
Portrait head of a middle-aged man, marble, third quarter of 1st century BC, Minturnae, Italy, SW corner, Temple B
From "The Roman World":
Relief plaque, head of Medusa, mold-pressed glass, 1st-2nd centuries AD, possibly made in Rome, Italy

From "The Roman World":
Replica of a Silenos statuette, bronze, cast in the late 19th century, original from 1st century AD, Pompeii, Italy


From "The Roman World":
Gold earrings, 3rd century AD, made in the eastern Roman Empire


From "The Roman World":
Portrait head of a middle-aged woman, marble, ca. AD 10-20, probably from Sardinia


From "The Roman World":
Nude god or divinized emperor, marble, 1st - early 2nd centuries AD, probably from Rome, Italy


From "The Roman World":
Oil lamps, terracotta, 1st-2nd centuries AD, Rome, Italy


From "Introduction to the Classical World"
Seated god (Dionysus) with a lion, marble, Roman Imperial period with restorations in Italy in the early 17th century or before, Rome, Italy


From "The Greek World"
Pentelic herm, marble, ca. 100 BC, probably from Athens, Greece


From "The Greek World"
East Greek Aryballos, hoplite, ca. 600-570 BC, Ionia


From "The Greek World"
Attic red figure, on the lid of a pyxis (cosmetic box), ca. 400-390 BC