Media Photo Gallery
to UPM's Media Photo Gallery for "Worlds Intertwined: Etruscans,
Greeks, and Romans," opening to the public March 16, 2003. The
Museum's Public Information Office can provide high quality color and
black and white photographs via mail or via e-mail as jpegs or tiffs.
Requests may be made by calling UPM's Public Information Office at
215/898-4045 or by emailing pkosty@sas.upenn.edu.
Please specify the image reference number (first column), your preferred
format (digital vs. slide, color vs. b/w, jpg vs. tiff, resolution level),
and your affiliation/publication. If you are looking for an image that
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with you to locate an appropriate selection.
All photos: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
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From "The Etruscan World":
Antefix with satyr head, terracotta, 4th century BC, Cerveteri, Italy
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From "The Etruscan World":
Footed bowl with man between horses, ceramic, late 8th century BC, Narce,
Italy, Tomb 43
3 |
From "The Etruscan World":
Focolare tray with implements and vessels, ceramic, 6th century BC,
Chiusi, Italy
4 |
From "The Etruscan World":
Etrusco-Corinthian olpe (jug), terracotta, 6th century BC, Vulci, Italy,
Tomb B
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From "The Etruscan World":
Cinerary urn, alabaster, 3rd-2nd centuries BC, Chiusi, Italy
6 |
From "The Etruscan World":
Crested helmet, bronze, end of 8th century BC, Narce, Italy, Tomb 43
7 |
From "The Roman World":
Relief from commemorative arch of Emperor Trajan (Side B), marble, AD
102, Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli), Italy. Also known as"The Puteoli
Marble Block."
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From "The Roman World":
The Puteoli Marble Block (Side A), erased inscription honoring Domitian,
AD 95/96, Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli), Italy.
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From "The Roman World":
Loculus (burial niche) cover, funerary relief of man and servants, limestone,
2nd century AD, Palmyra, Syria
10 |
From "The Roman
Portrait head of a middle-aged man, marble, third quarter of 1st century
BC, Minturnae, Italy, SW corner, Temple B
11 |
From "The Roman
Relief plaque, head of Medusa, mold-pressed glass, 1st-2nd centuries AD,
possibly made in Rome, Italy
12 |
From "The Roman World":
Replica of a Silenos statuette, bronze, cast in the late 19th century,
original from 1st century AD, Pompeii, Italy
13 |
From "The Roman World":
Gold earrings, 3rd century AD, made in the eastern Roman Empire
14 |
From "The Roman World":
Portrait head of a middle-aged woman, marble, ca. AD 10-20, probably
from Sardinia
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From "The Roman World":
Nude god or divinized emperor, marble, 1st - early 2nd centuries AD,
probably from Rome, Italy
16 |
From "The Roman World":
Oil lamps, terracotta, 1st-2nd centuries AD, Rome, Italy
17 |
From "Introduction to
the Classical World"
Seated god (Dionysus) with a lion, marble, Roman Imperial period with
restorations in Italy in the early 17th century or before, Rome, Italy
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From "The Greek World"
Pentelic herm, marble, ca. 100 BC, probably from Athens, Greece
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From "The Greek World"
East Greek Aryballos, hoplite, ca. 600-570 BC, Ionia
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From "The Greek World"
Attic red figure, on the lid of a pyxis (cosmetic box), ca. 400-390