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The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Penn Museum) has produced the results of research conducted by the Museum since our first expedition to Nippur in 1889. Over the years, the Museum's publishing program has expanded to include site reports, exhibition catalogs and gallery guides, conference proceedings, and stand-alone scholarly monographs and popular books. For the marketing, sales, and distribution of our books, we collaborate with the University of Pennsylvania Press. All titles that are currently in print are available for purchase online at the Penn Press website.

463 Publications

Year Order by year published. Title Order by title.
2024 Tikal Report No. 28: The Pottery Figurines of Tikal
2024 Creation and Separation: A Chinese Emperor's Six Stone Horses
2024 Equipment for Horses from the Period IVB (ca. 800–1000 BCE) Level at Tepe Hasanlu, Iran
2023 The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli Part II: The Cremations
2023 The Bone and Ivory Objects from Gordion
2021 Lydian Painted Pottery Abroad: The Gordion Excavations 1950–1973
2021 King Seneb-Kay’s Tomb and the Necropolis of a Lost Dynasty at Abydos
2021 Art/ifacts and ArtWorks in the Ancient World
2021 Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2D: Catalogs for Metals and Related Remains from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don Klang
2020 The Roman Peasant Project 2009–2014: Excavating the Roman Rural Poor
2020 Misadventures in Archaeology: The Life and Career of Charles Conrad Abbott
2019 Journey to the City: A Companion to the Middle East Galleries at the Penn Museum
2019 Tikal Report 17: Excavations in the West Plaza of Tikal
2019 Tikal Report 25, part B: The Ceramic Sequence of Tikal
2019 Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2C: The Metal Remains in Regional Context
2018 Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal: The Plaza of the Seven Temples
2018 Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal: Structures in and around the Lost World Plaza
2018 Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2A: Background to the Study of the Metal Remains
2018 Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2B: Metals and Related Evidence from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don Klang
2017 The Sunshade Chapel of Meritaten from the House-of-Waenre of Akhenaten
2017 European Archaeology as Anthropology
2017 Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Change at Ancient Gordion
2017 Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal: Great Temples III, IV, V, and VI
2016 The Origins of Maya States
2016 The Golden Age of King Midas: Exhibition Catalogue
2016 The New Chronology of the Bronze Age Settlement of Tepe Hissar, Iran
2016 The Bronze Age Towers at Bat, Sultanate of Oman: Research by the Bat Archaeological Project, 2007–12
2015 Globalization: The Crucial Phase
2015 The Sphinx That Traveled to Philadelphia: The Story of the Colossal Sphinx in the Penn Museum.
2015 Tikal Report 22: Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal—Group 7F-1
2014 Reconfiguring the Silk Road: New Research on East-West Exchange in Antiquity
2014 Tikal Report 20A: Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal: Non-Elite Groups without Shrines. The Excavations.
2014 Tikal Report 20B: Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal: Non-Elite Groups without Shrines. Analysis and Conclusions
2014 Excavations at Gilund: The Artifacts and Other Studies
2013 Hasanlu V. The Late Bronze and Iron I Periods
2013 Evolution of Mind, Brain, and Culture
2013 Experiencing Power, Generating Authority. Cosmos, Politics, and the Ideology of Kingship in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
2012 Literacy in the Persianate World: Writing and the Social Order
2012 The Archaeology of Phrygian Gordion, Royal City of Midas
2012 Historical Archaeology at Tikal, Guatemala
2012 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports: The Sanctuary's Imperial Architectural Development, Conflict with Christianity, and Final Days
2011 Peoples and Crafts in Period IVB at Hasanlu, Iran
2011 Sustainable Lifeways. Cultural Persistence in an Ever-Changing Environment
2011 Mapping Mongolia: Situating Mongolia in the World from Geologic Time to the Present
2011 The New Chronology of Iron Age Gordion
2010 Origins of Agriculture in Western Central Asia. An Environmental-Archaeological Study
2010 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia. Bioarchaeological Studies of Past Life Ways.
2010 Botanical Aspects of Environment and Economy at Gordion, Turkey
2009 The Sufi Journey of Baba Rexheb
2009 Landscapes of Movement. Trails, Paths, and Roads in Anthropological Perspective
2009 The Incised Drawings from Early Phrygian Gordion
2008 Himalaya: Land of the Snow Lion
2008 Master Builders of Byzantium
2008 The Tlingit Encounter with Photography
2008 The Maikop Treasure
2008 Tikal Report 27, Part A: The Artifacts of Tikal: Ornamental and Ceremonial Artifacts and Unworked Material
2008 The Thousand and One Churches
2007 Presence Passing
2007 Akhenaten and Tutankhamun: Revolution and Restoration
2007 Archaeology and History in Sardinia from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages: Shepherds, Sailors, and Conquerors
2007 Aboriginal Paintings of the Wolfe Creek Crater: Track of the Rainbow Serpent
2007 Exploring Iran: The Photography of Erich F. Schmidt, 1930–1940
2007 Dún Ailinne: Excavations at an Irish Royal Site, 1968–1975
2007 Settlement Archaeology at Quirigua, Guatemala
2007 Additions and Alterations: A Commentary on the Architecture of the North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala
2007 Studies on Istanbul and Beyond: The Freely Papers, Vol 1.
2006 The Heart of Haiti
2006 Closely Observed
2006 Etruscan Myth, Sacred History, and Legend
2006 The Maya Vase Conservation Project
2006 Classical Sculpture: Catalogue of the Cypriot, Greek, and Roman Stone Sculpture in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
2005 Santa Cruz Island Figure Sculpture and Its Social and Ritual Contexts
2005 Native American Voices on Identity, Art, and Culture: Objects of Everlasting Esteem
2005 Catalogue of the Etruscan Gallery
2005 Maya Folktales from the Alta Verapaz
2005 Structure and Meaning in Human Settlements
2005 The Archaeology of Midas and the Phrygians: Recent Work at Gordion
2005 Gordion Seals and Sealings: Individuals and Society
2005 The Vrokastro Regional Survey Project, Sites and Pottery
2004 Iraq’s Marsh Arabs in the Garden of Eden
2004 Sinop Landscapes: Exploring Connection in a Black Sea Hinterland
2004 Time and Temporality in the Ancient World
2004 Understanding Early Classic Copan
2004 Magnificent Objects from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
2004 The Settlement History of the Vrokastro Area and Related Studies
2004 The Ilkhanid Heartland: Hasanlu Tepe (Iran) Period I
2004 Mediterranean Archaeological Landscapes: Current Issues
2004 Early Beth Shan (Strata XIX–XIII): G. M. FitzGerald's Deep Cut on the Tell
2004 Piedras Negras Archaeology, 1931–1939
2003 Touching the Mekong
2003 Guide to the North American Ethnographic Collections at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
2003 Visions of a Huichol Shaman
2003 A Central Asian Village at the Dawn of Civilization, Excavations at Anau, Turkmenistan
2003 Multiple Approaches to the Study of Bifacial Technologies
2003 Catalogue of Pottery from the Bronze and Early Iron Age Settlement of Vrokastro in the Collections of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and the Archaeological Museum, Herakleion, Crete
2003 Early Urban Life in the Land of Anshan: Excavations at Tal-e Malyan in the Highlands of Iran
2003 Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis
2003 East African Archaeology: Foragers, Potters, Smiths, and Traders
2003 The Human Evolution Cookbook
2002 The Artifacts of Tikal: Utilitarian Artifacts and Unworked Material
2002 Drawing on the Past: An Archaeologist’s Sketchbook
2002 Guide to the Mesoamerican Gallery at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
2002 Two Lyres from Ur
2002 Guide to the Etruscan and Roman Worlds at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
2002 Adventures in Photography: Expeditions of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
2002 Tepe Gawra: The Evolution of a Small, Prehistoric Center in Northern Iraq
2002 Tikal Report 23: Part A: Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal
2002 The Library of Daniel Garrison Brinton
2002 Ban Chiang, a Prehistoric Village Site in Northeast Thailand. 1: The Human Skeletal Remains
2001 Modern Mongolia: Reclaiming Genghis Khan
2001 Pseira V: The Architecture of Pseira
2001 The “Ur-Nammu” Stela
2001 The Archaeology of Martin's Hundred. Part 1: Interpretive Studies. Part 2: Artifact Catalog
2000 The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment
1999 Venice, a Personal View
1999 Roman Glass: Reflections on Cultural Change
1999 Sibyl: The Database of Classical Iconography
1999 Gordion Wooden Furniture
1999 Haverford College Collection of Classical Antiquities: The Bequest of Ernest Allen
1999 Ayia Paraskevi Figurines in the University of Pennsylvania Museum
1999 Appearance and Essence. Refinements of Classical Architecture: Curvature
1999 Clovis Revisited: New Perspectives on Paleoindian Adaptations from Blackwater Draw, New Mexico
1999 The Archaeometallurgy of the Asian Old World
1999 Pseira IV: Minoan Buildings in Areas B, C, D, and F
1999 Tikal Report 21: Excavations in Residential Areas of Tikal: Groups with Shrines
1999 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports: The Corinthian Pottery
1998 Talismanic
1998 Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur
1998 Excavating Voices: Listening to Photographs of Native Americans
1998 Imaging the Ancient
1998 Kizilbel: An Archaic Painted Tomb Chamber in Northern Lycia
1998 The Archaeology of the Frontier in the Medieval Near East: Excavations at Gritille, Turkey
1998 The Roman Villa: Villa Urbana
1998 Ancestors for the Pigs: Pigs in Prehistory
1998 Andean Ceramics: Technology, Organization, and Approaches
1998 If a City Is Set on a Height: The Akkadian Omen Series Summa Alu Ina m-ele Sakin
1998 Building AC (the “Shrine”) and Other Buildings in Area A
1998 Pseira III: The Plateia Building
1998 Stephanos: Studies in Honor of Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway
1998 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports: Part I: The Coins; Part II: Attic Pottery
1997 Roman Glass: Reflections of Everyday Life
1997 Richard Berry Seager: Pioneer Archaeologist and Proper Gentleman
1997 The Hyksos: New Historical and Archaeological Perspectives
1997 The Hilprecht Collection of Greek, Italic, and Roman Bronzes in the University of Pennsylvania Museum
1997 Subsistence and Settlement in a Marginal Environment: Tell es-Sweyhat, 1989–1995 Preliminary Report
1997 Searching for Ancient Egypt: Art, Architecture, and Artifacts from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
1997 The Southern Caucasus in Prehistory: Stages of Cultural and Socioeconomic Development from the Eighth to the Second Millennium B.C.
1997 Understanding Maya Inscriptions: A Hieroglyph Handbook
1996 Poggio Colla: The 1995 Season
1996 Marlik: The Complete Excavation Report
1996 Craft Specialization and Social Evolution: In Memory of V. Gordon Childe
1996 Technology and Social Change in Belgic Gaul: Copper Working at the Titelberg, Luxembourg, 125 B.C.–A.D. 300
1996 The Nippur Lament: Royal Rhetoric and Divine Legitimation in the Reign of Isme-Dagon of Isin (1953–1935 B.C.)
1996 Excavations at Anshan (Tal-e Malyan): The Middle Elamite Period
1996 Emblems of Identity and Prestige: The Seals and Sealings from Hasanlu, Iran, Commentary and Catalog
1996 Tikal Report 16: Excavations in the East Plaza of Tikal
1995 Living in Balance: The Universe of the Hopi, Zuni, Navajo, and Apache
1995 The Ancient Greek World: The Rodney S. Young Gallery
1995 The Middle Paleolithic Site of Combe-Capelle Bas (France)
1995 The Symbolic Role of Animals in Archaeology
1995 Before Farming: Hunter-Gatherer Society and Subsistence
1995 Untersuchungen zur Gotterwelt des Altsumerischen Stadtstaates von Lagas
1995 The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A
1995 The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli. Part 1: The Inhumations
1995 The Terracotta Figurines and Related Vessels
1995 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: Cretan, East Greek, and Other Non-Attic Wares; Corinthian Pottery Part 2
1995 Inscribed Material from the Pennsylvania–Yale Excavations at Abydos
1994 Handbook of Paleolithic Typology, vol. 1: Lower and Middle Paleolithic of Europe
1994 Gordion Excavations 4: The Early Phrygian Pottery. 2 vols
1994 Lost Scents: Investigations of Corinthian “Plastic” Vases by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
1994 Society, Culture, and Technology in Africa
1994 Inu Anum 'sirum': Literary Structures in the Non-juridical Sections of Codex Hammurabi
1994 “The Ancient Greek World”: An Educational Guide
1994 Resource Bibliography for the Decipherment of Maya Hieroglyphs and New Maya Hieroglyph Readings
1993 Ancient Nubia: Egypt’s Rival in Africa
1993 Through Time, Across Continents: A Hundred Years of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University Museum
1993 The Paleolithic Prehistory of the Zagros-Taurus
1993 Current Research in Phytolith Analysis: Applications in Archaeology and Paleoecology
1993 A Methodology for the Identification of Archaeological Eggshell
1993 The Late Bronze Egyptian Garrison at Beth Shan: A Study of Levels VII and VIII
1993 Archaeological Investigations in the Lower Motagua Valley, Izabal, Guatemala: A Study in Monumental Site Function and Interaction.
1993 Tikal Report 25, part A: The Ceramics of Tikal
1993 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports: The Sanctuary's Imperial Architectural Development, Conflict with Christianity, and Final Days
1993 New and Recent Maya Hieroglyph Readings: A Supplement to Understanding Maya Inscriptions
1992 Reflections of a Digger: Fifty Years of World Archaeology
1992 River of Gold: Precolumbian Treasures from Sitio Conte
1992 New Theories on the Ancient Maya
1992 The Middle Paleolithic: Adaptation, Behavior, and Variability
1992 Health and Lifestyle Change
1991 Excavations at Haft Tepe, Iran
1991 The Gift of Birds: Featherwork of Native South American Peoples
1991 Cypriot Ceramics: Reading the Prehistoric Record
1991 Metals in Society: Theory beyond Analysis
1991 Recent Trends in Archaeometallurgical Research
1991 The Cretan Collection in the University Museum, vol. 2
1991 The Bronze Age
1991 Tikal Report 14: Excavations in the Great Plaza, North Terrace, and North Acropolis of Tikal
1990 Beauty from the Earth: Pueblo Indian Pottery from the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
1990 The World of Philip and Alexander: A Symposium on Greek Life and Times
1990 Lang Rongrien Rockshelter: A Pleistocene, Early Holocene Archaeological Site from Krabi, Southwestern Thailand
1990 Organic Contents of Ancient Vessels: Materials Analysis and Archaeological Investigation
1990 Economy and Settlement in the Near East: Analyses of Ancient Sites and Materials
1990 Tablettes du Princeton Theological Seminary: époque d’Ur III
1990 The Proto-Elamite Settlement at TUV
1990 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 4, part 1: The Small Finds; part 2: Glass; part 3: Faunal and Human Skeletal Remains
1989 Early Animal Domestication and Its Cultural Context
1989 History of Technology: The Role of Metals
1989 Dumu-e2-dub-ba-a: Studies in Honor of Åke W. Sjöberg
1988 Upper Pleistocene Prehistory of Western Eurasia
1988 Coping with Seasonal Constraints
1988 Nippur at the Centennial: Papers Read at the 35th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Philadelphia, 1988
1988 A Scientific Humanist: Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs
1988 Altyn-Depe
1987 The Panagia Houses at Mycenae
1987 Archaeological Investigations in the Northern Maya Highlands, Guatemala: Interaction and the Development of Maya Civilization
1987 Nonverbal Graffiti, Dipinti, and Stamps
1987 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports, vol. 3: part 1: Scarabs, Inscribed Gems, and Engraved Finger Rings; part 2: Attic Black Figure and Black Glazed Pottery; part 3: Hellenistic and Roman Fine Wares; part 4: Conservation of Objects
1986 Raven's Journey: The World of Alaska's Native People
1986 Maya Rulers of Time: A Study of Architectural Sculpture at Tikal, Guatemala
1986 Paleolithic Archaeology in Iran
1986 The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Central Transjordan: The Baq’ah Valley Project, 1977–1981
1986 Excavations at Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan: The Pottery
1986 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, fasc. 1: South Italian Pottery, Part 1
1986 Tikal Report 1-11
1985 Introduction to the Collections of the University Museum
1985 Buddhism: The History and Diversity of a Great Tradition
1985 Tell es-Sa`idiyeh: Excavations on the Tell, 1964–1966
1985 Tikal Report 19: Excavations in Small Residential Groups of Tikal: Groups 4F-1 and 4F-2
1985 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports: The East Greek, Island, and Laconian Pottery
1985 Preserving Field Records: Archival Techniques for Archaeologists and Anthropologists
1984 Etruscan Pottery: The Meeting of Greece and Etruria.
1984 The Gift of Spiderwoman: Southwestern Textiles, the Navajo Tradition
1984 A Guide to The University Museum Archives of the University of Pennsylvania
1984 Man and Animals: Living, Working, and Changing Together: In Celebration of the 100th Anniversary, the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
1984 East Cretan White-on-dark Ware: Studies on a Handmade Pottery of the Early to Middle Minoan Periods
1984 A Bibliography of the Tablet Collections of the University Museum
1984 Prelude to Empire: Babylonian Society and Politics, 747–626 B.C.
1984 Texts from Tall-i Malyan
1984 The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, Final Reports: Background and Introduction to the Excavations
1984 Deciphering Maya Hieroglyphs
1983 Spirit Keepers of the North: Eskimos of Western Alaska
1983 Bamboula at Kourion: The Architecture
1983 The Cretan Collection in the University Museum
1983 Hajji Firuz Tepe, Iran: The Neolithic Settlement
1983 Quirigua Reports, vol. 2: Papers 6–15
1983 Tikal Report 31: The Graffiti of Tikal
1983 Tikal Report 13: The Settlement Survey of Tikal
1982 Sargonic Texts from Telloh in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum
1982 Tikal Report 33: The Monuments and Inscriptions of Tikal.
1982 Tikal Report 12: Introduction to the Archaeology of Tikal, Guatemala
1982 Ban Chiang : discovery of a lost Bronze Age
1981 The Monuments and Inscriptions of Caracol, Belize
1981 Three Great Early Tumuli
1981 Echoes of the Samurai: An Exhibition of Japanese Arms and Armor
1980 The Egyptian Mummy: Secrets and Science
1980 The Cemetery at Tell es-Sa`idiyeh, Jordan
1980 The Catalogue of Ivories from Hasanlu, Iran
1980 A Decorated Breastplate from Hasanlu, Iran: Type, Style, and Context of an Equestrian Ornament
1980 From Athens to Gordion: The Papers of a Memorial Symposium for Rodney S. Young
1979 The Archaeology of Cape Nome, Alaska
1979 Enmerkar and Ensuhke.sdanna: A Sumerian Narrative Poem
1979 Sumerian Literary Fragments from Nippur
1979 Quirigua Reports, vol. 1: Papers 1–5
1979 Report On the Excavation of Part of the Virginia Brigade Encampment, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 1972-1973
1978 The Prehistory of Chalchuapa, El Salvador
1976 Agriculture and the State in Ancient Mesopotamia: An Introduction to Problems of Land Tenure
1976 Ur Excavations, Texts, vol. 9: Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty
1976 Ur Excavations: Old Babylonian Period
1976 American Indian Life, 1776–1976: A Special Exhibition
1975 Aerial Photography for the Archaeologist: A Report from the Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology, the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania
1975 The Art of Goldweights: Words, Form, Meaning
1975 Fetish Gold
1975 Sarepta: A Preliminary Report on the Iron Age
1974 African Ritual Dolls: An Exhibition
1974 Ur Excavations, Texts: Middle Babylonian Legal Documents and Other Texts
1974 The Terrace of the Great God at Abydos: The Offering Chapels of Dynasties 12 and 13
1974 Ur Excavations: The Buildings of the Third Dynasty
1973 The Northern Cemetery of Beth Shan
1972 Publications of the University Museum
1972 Bamboula at Kourion
1970 The Meroitic Funerary Inscriptions from Arminna West
1969 Gauguin and Exotic Art: Exhibition Catalogue
1968 Yengema Cave Report
1967 The Search for Sybaris, 1960–1965
1967 Textiles from Beneath the Temple of Pachacamac, Peru
1967 The Late Nubian Settlement at Arminna West
1967 The Classic Christian Townsite at Arminna West
1966 The Iron Age at Beth Shan: A Study of Levels VI–IV
1966 Ur Excavations, Texts: Literary and Religious Texts Part 2
1965 Mit Rahineh 1956
1965 Ur Excavations, Texts: Royal Inscriptions
1965 Ur Excavations, Archaeology: The Kassite Period and the Period of the Assyrian Kings
1964 Men in Search of Man
1964 Winery, Defenses, and Soundings at Gibeon
1964 Ur Excavations, Texts: Literary and Religious Texts Part 1
1963 The Bronze Age Cemetery at Gibeon
1963 Heka-Nefer and the Dynastic Material from Toshka and Arminna
1962 A Racial Study of the West Nakanai
1962 Ur Excavations, Archaeology: The Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods.
1961 The Water System at Gibeon
1961 Sotira: A Neolithic Settlement in Cyprus
1961 Tikal Report 11: Map of the Ruins of Tikal, El Peten, Guatemala
1961 Tikal Report 5-10
1960 The Ruins of Rome: Catalog of an Exhibition, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania
1959 Hebrew Inscriptions and Stamps from Gibeon
1959 Mit Rahineh 1955
1959 Piedras Negras Archaeology: Artifacts, Caches, and Burials
1959 Sumerian Proverbs: Glimpses of Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia
1958 Phrygian Art from the City of King Midas: Autumn 1958–Summer 1959
1958 Noble Savage
1958 Tikal Report 1–4. No. 1: Field Director’s Report: The 1956 and 1957 Seasons; No. 2: Excavations in the Stela 23 Group; No. 3: The Problem of Abnormal Stela Placements at Tikal and Elsewhere; No. 4: Five Newly Discovered Carved Monuments at Tikal and New Data on Four Others
1957 Stone Artifacts at and near the Finley Site, near Eden, Wyoming
1956 African Tribal Sculpture
1956 Cameo and Intaglio: Engraved Gems from the Sommerville Collection
1956 Memphis: The City of the White Wall
1956 Study of the Cranial and Skeletal Material Excavated at Nippur
1956 A Hittite Cemetery at Gordion
1955 Terracotta Figurines from Kourion in Cyprus
1955 Ur Excavations, Archaeology: The Early Periods
1954 Gifts of Jubal: Musical Instruments from the Ancient East
1954 Biblical Parallels from Sumerian Literature: Handbook on the Special Exhibit in Honor of the American-Jewish Tercentenary, 1654–1954
1954 Reproductions of Objects from the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
1954 Piedras Negras Archaeology: Architecture. Part 6: Unclassified Buildings and Substructures 3–12
1953 A Third Century Hoard of Tetradrachms from Gordion
1953 Native Astronomy in the Central Carolines
1953 Ur Excavations, Texts: Letters and Documents of the Old Babylonian Period
1952 Arctic Woodland Culture of the Kobuk River
1952 Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta: A Sumerian Epic Tale of Iraq and Iran
1952 Piedras Negras Archaeology: Architecture. Part 5: Sweathouses. No. 1: Recognition of Sweathouses at Piedras Negras: Diagnostic Traits and Terminology; No. 2: Structure N-I; No. 3: Six Partially Excavated Sweathouses (Structures 5-19, J-17, 0-4, S-2 and R-13); No. 4: Structure P-7
1951 Cave Explorations in Iran 1949
1951 Early Man in the Eden Valley
1951 Ur Excavations, Archaeology, vol. 10: Seal Cylinders
1950 Language of the Papago of Arizona
1950 Excavations at Tepe Gawra, vol. 2
1950 Schooldays: A Sumerian Composition Relating to the Education of a Scribe
1949 The Code of Lipit-Ishtar
1949 Drug Plants of Africa
1949 Ur Excavations, Texts: Business Documents of the New Babylonian Period
1947 Studies in African Native Law
1947 Liberia: A Century of Survival, 1847–1947
1947 Concepts and Structures of Maya Calendrical Arithmetics
1947 Ur Excavations, Texts, vol. 3, part 2: Business Documents of the Third Dynasty of Ur: Indexes, Vocabulary, Catalogue, Lists
1946 Catawba Hunting, Trapping and Fishing
1946 Rappahannock Taking Devices: Traps, Hunting and Fishing
1944 The Languages and Press of Africa
1944 Labor Problems of Africa
1944 Colonial Policies in Africa
1944 Piedras Negras Archaeology: Architecture. Part 2: Temples. No. 1: Structure R-9 (Temple and Associated Constructions)
1944 Piedras Negras Archaeology: Architecture. Part 4: Ball Courts. No. 1: Ball Court Terminology; No. 2: Structure R-II (South Group Ball Court); No. 3: Structure K-6 (West Group Ball Court).
1944 Piedras Negras Archaeology: Architecture. Part 6: Unclassified Buildings and Substructures: No. 1: Structure F3; No. 2 Structure F-4.
1943 The Government of French North Africa
1943 The Mineral Resources of Africa
1943 The Food Resources of Africa
1943 Examples of Maya Pottery in the Museum and Other Collections, Part 3
1943 Piedras Negras Archaeology: Architecture - Introduction.
1942 Italic Tomb Groups in the University Museum
1941 The Chinese Collections of the University Museum: A Handbook of the Principal Objects
1940 Archaic Chinese Jades: Special Exhibition (February 1940)
1940 The Four Canaanite Temples of Beth-Shan: Temples and Cult Objects
1940 Penobscot Man: The Life History of a Forest Tribe in Maine
1939 A Sixth Century Monastery at Beth-Shan (Scythopolis)
1939 Ur Excavations, Archaeology: The Ziggurat and Its Surroundings
1938 The Eyak Indians of the Copper River Delta, Alaska.
1938 The Sherbro of Sierra Leone
1937 Excavations at Tepe Hissar, Damghan
1937 Ur Excavations, Texts: Business Documents of the Third Dynasty of Ur: Plates
1936 Ur Excavations, Archaeology: Archaic Seal Impressions
1936 Piedras Negras: A Pyramid Without Temple Ruins
1935 Excavations at Tepe Gawra, I
1935 Excavations at Minturnae, vol. 1: Monuments of the Republican Forum
1935 Ur Excavations, Texts: Archaic Texts
1935 Piedras Negras: Palace Structures J-2 and J-6
1935 Piedras Negras Pottery. Part 1: Vessels; Part 2: Figurines, Ornaments, and Miscellaneous Objects
1934 The Diabolic Root: An Investigation into the Use of Peyote by the North American Indians.
1934 The Archaeology of Cook Inlet, Alaska
1934 Ur Excavations, Archaeology: The Royal Cemetery - parts 1–2
1933 In the Hills of Tuscany: Recent Excavations at the Etruscan Site of Poggio Civitate (Murlo, Siena)
1933 Excavations at Minturnae, vol. 2, Part 1: Inscriptions: Republican Magistri
1933 Piedras Negras: Description of the Site with Short Notes on the Excavations of 1931–32
1933 Piedras Negras: The South Group Ball Court with a Preliminary Note on the West Group Ball Court
1931 Beth-Shan Excavations, 1921–1923: The Arab and Byzantine Levels
1930 Terra-Cottas from Nippur
1930 The Four Canaanite Temples of Beth-Shan: The Pottery
1930 The Topography and History of Beth-Shan with Details of the Egyptian and Other Inscriptions Found on the Site
1929 The Royal Tombs of Ur of the Chaldees: The Treasures Discovered by the Joint Expedition of the University Museum and the British Museum
1928 Examples of Maya Pottery in the Museum and Other Collections, Part 2
1928 Ur Excavations Texts: Royal Inscriptions
1927 Ur Excavations, Archaeology, Al-’Ubaid.
1926 Royal Inscriptions and Fragments from Nippur and Babylon
1925 The Culture of the Babylonians from Their Seals in the Collections of the Museum
1925 Examples of Maya Pottery in the Museum and Other Collections, Part 1
1924 The Central Caribs
1924 The Minor Cemetery at Giza
1922 Handbook of Africa and the South Seas.
1922 Handbook of Chinese Paintings in the Collection of the Museum
1922 Old Babylonian Contracts
1922 Historical Fragments
1921 Catalogue of the Mediterranean Section
1920 The Hills and the Corn: A Legend of the Kekchí Indians of Guatemala
1919 Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur: Lists of Sumerian Personal Names
1919 Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms
1919 Selected Sumerian and Babylonian Texts
1918 The Central Arawaks
1917 Grammatical Notes on the Language of the Tlingit Indians
1917 Sumerian Grammatical Texts
1917 Sumerian Liturgical Texts
1917 The Epic of Gilgamesh
1916 A Pre-Lenape Site in New Jersey
1916 The Cemetery of Pachyammos, Crete
1916 Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur: A Syllabary of Personal Names
1916 Lists of Personal Names from the Temple School of Nippur: Lists of Akkadian Personal Names
1915 Sumerian Business and Administrative Documents from the Earliest Times to the Dynasty of Agade
1915 Sumerian Epic of Paradise: The Flood and the Fall of Man
1915 Babylonian Letters of the Hammurabi Period
1914 Sacred Bundles of the Sac and Fox Indians
1914 The Dance Festivals of the Alaskan Eskimos
1914 Notes on Chasta Costa Phonology and Morphology
1914 Excavations in Eastern Crete, Vrokastro
1914 Human Skulls from Gazelle Peninsula
1914 Legal and Administrative Documents from Nippur Chiefly from the Dynasty of Isin and Larsa
1914 Historical Texts
1914 Historical and Grammatical Texts
1914 Grammatical Texts
1914 Cuneiform Texts: Historical and Religious Texts from the Temple Library of Nippur
1913 The Book of Chilam Balam
1913 Cuneiform Texts: Sumerian Hymns and Prayers to God DUMU-ZI or Babylonian Lenten Songs from the Temple Library of Nippur
1912 Excavations in Eastern Crete, Sphoungaras
1912 Business Documents of Murashu Sons of Nippur Dated in the Reign of Darius II
1912 Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur Dated in the Reigns of Cassite Rulers
1911 Karanog, the Town - Eckley B. Coxe Junior Expedition to Nubia
1911 The Tahltan Indians
1911 Ceremonial Songs of the Creek and Yuchi Indians
1911 Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur
1911 Babylonian Hymns and Prayers
1911 Karanog, the Meroitic Inscriptions of Shablul and Karanog
1911 Buhen, Parts 1–2
1911 Cuneiform Texts: Sumerian Hymns and Prayers to God NIN-IB from the Temple Library of Nippur
1910 Excavations on the Island of Pseira, Crete
1910 Churches in Lower Nubia
1910 Karanog, the Romano-Nubian Cemetery, Parts 1–2
1910 Researches and Treatises: The Earliest Version of the Babylonian Deluge Story and the Temple Library of Nippur
1910 Cuneiform Texts: Sumerian Administrative Documents Dated in the Reigns of the Kings of the Second Dynasty of Ur from the Temple Archives of Nippur
1910 Researches and Treatises: NIN-IB the Determiner of Fates According to the Great Sumerian Epic LUGAL-E UG ME-LAM-BI NER-GAL from the Temple Library of Nippur
1909 Takelma Texts
1909 Ethnology of the Yuchi Indians
1909 Areika
1909 Cuneiform Texts: Babylonian Legal and Business Documents from the Time of the First Dynasty of Babylon Chiefly from Nippur
1908 Gournia, Vasiliki and Other Prehistoric Sites on the Isthmus of Hierapetra, Crete: Excavations of the Wells-Houston-Cramp Expeditions, 1901, 1903, 1904
1908 Cuneiform Texts: Letters to Cassite Kings from the Temple Archives of Nippur
1908 Cuneiform Texts: Legal and Commercial Transactions Dated in the Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and Persian Periods Chiefly from Nippur
1907 Researches and Treatises: A New Boundary Stone of Nebuchadnezzar I from Nippur
1906 Cuneiform Texts: Mathematical, Metrological and Chronological Tablets from the Temple Library of Nippur
1906 Cuneiform Texts: Babylonian Legal and Business Documents from the Time of the First Dynasty of Babylon Chiefly from Sippar
1906 Cuneiform Texts: Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur Dated in the Reigns of Cassite Rulers (Complete Dates)
1906 Cuneiform Texts: Documents from the Temple Archives of Nippur Dated in the Reigns of Cassite Rulers (Incomplete Dates)
1905 Researches and Treatises: Early Babylonian Personal Names from the Published Tablets of the So-Called Hammurabi Dynasty (2000 B.C.)
1904 Gournia: Report of the American Exploration Society's Excavations at Gournia, Crete 1901–1903
1904 Researches and Treatises: The Excavations in Assyria and Babylonia
1904 Cuneiform Texts: Business Documents of Murashu Sons of Nippur Dated in the Reign of Darius II (424–404 B.C.)
1903 Pachacamac (Pepper-Hearst Peruvian Expedition, 1895–97)
1898 Cuneiform Texts: Business Documents of Murashu Sons of Nippur Dated in the Reign of Artaxerxes I (464–424 B.C.)
1896 Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur: Part 2
1893 Old Babylonian Inscriptions Chiefly from Nippur: Part 1